Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sick Magazine #119


  1. Fantastic, Sick was a great magazine! I have every regular issue ever published and most of the specials. Although the '60's issues are the funniest with the highest quality, I also enjoy the late '70's Charlton issues, which although low budget, have a charm all their own, in my opinion. It's really nice to you see you include this with your Cracked postings.

  2. Yeah, typically I don't take non-Cracked scans but this one was sent from a loyal reader and I thought it came out pretty nice. I hope to have another Cracked issue up in a couple of days.

  3. In the late 70s Sick was distinctly my third favorite after Mad and Cracked, but it did have its own unique voice and style... more low-brow and sex-obsessed than Mad or the squeaky-clean Cracked. Neither Mad nor Cracked would ever have done three TV-show parodies in a single issue, nor would they have bothered with short-lived shows like CPO Sharkey or Fish. I like Jack Sparling's work a lot, too. He was one of the only parody artists (besides Severin) who did not look like he was trying to copy Mort Drucker.

  4. I "discovered" Sick in ' 77;admittedly,I only bought it for "Cher D'Flower".(Hey,I was 14 at the time,so it wasn't like I could buy a copy of Playboy!)
    I've managed to re-acquire the issues I had back then,plus two others,one of which is the issue above,all of which have "Cher D'Flower"...they can be seen at my blog,electricfreakshowofwax.
