Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Review of Crypt of MADness #5

             I have recently had the pleasure of reading a fanzine by the name of (The) Crypt of MADness.” It was recommended to me by a Mr. Chet Reams. The ‘zine normally focuses on MAD magazine related content and horror magazines and comix, however this fifth issue centers on MAD magazine’s formerly strongest competitor: CRACKED Magazine.
There is an interview on pg.4 with Lou Silverstone, who wrote at MAD for 25 years and eventually, CRACKED. Silverstone reminisces about the feud between the two magazine companies, and some anecdotes about writers and artists he worked with. The interview is conducted by Mark Arnold, who authored the definitive history of CRACKED Magazine: If You’re Cracked, You’re Happy.

                Chet Reams conducts the following interview on pg. 8 with Mort Todd, former CRACKED writer and editor. Todd speaks about some of his creative decisions during his tenure including the introduction of the Uggly Family”, and the hiring of Don Martin away from MAD magazine as well as Robot Wars.”
                Gary Fields is interviewed by Reams on pg. 11. Fields was a writer and artist for many years at CRACKED. Some of his contributions include Canine the Barbarian (or Barkbarian),” Nanny Dickering interviews and much more.

                There is an interview with former CRACKED publisher, editor, artist and writer Dick Kulpa, on pg. 13, also conducted by Chet Reams. It is very informative and delves into the challenges that existed near the final years of CRACKED. The interview serves as a warning to those who would ever consider going into the world of magazine publishing.
                “Memories of Severin,” by Mike Britt, is a reminiscence of the work of the late John Severin, who was the most prolific and recognizable contributor to CRACKED. The influence of Severin’s work on the humor magazine genre is incalculable and he is truly missed.
                “The Cracked Monster Party,” by Mark Arnold is a surprisingly concise history of the relationship between CRACKED and monsters. The article mentions various early attempts at spin-off magazines such as FOR MONSTERS ONLY and MONSTER HOWLS which eventually culminated in the highly popular CRACKED MONSTER PARTY and MONSTERS ATTACK!
                There is a humorous article by Scott Gosar, CRACKED editor from 2003 – 2005, which recounts the time Donald Trump was asked to sign the CRACKED issues which had him on the cover.
                Philip R. Frey contributes A Brief History of German Cracked.” It is fascinating to know that the humor magazine format was exported to other countries; I know of several Spanish language versions of CRACKED. This article focuses on the German versions and it is very concise.
                Mark Arnold writes a brief article about Bob and Bill Sproul. Bob was the original publisher and sometimes editor, and Bill was his son who would sometimes contribute to the magazine in various capacities.

                The fanzine concludes with several high quality scans of some original CRACKED artwork. I was highly impressed by these images and gazed upon these final pages for quite a while.

                Chet Reams has put in a lot of effort into Crypt of MADness” #5 and the quality of the issue is immediately obvious. I recommend this magazine for all fans of CRACKED and fans of humor magazines in general. Very entertaining.


  1. Philip R. Frey here. Glad you liked the article and magazine. I also run the Cracked wiki and I don't know of any Spanish language versions of Cracked. The closest is 'Pancada' from Brazil, which is, of course, in Portuguese.

    Here is the Cover gallery from the wiki, which shows all of the foreign editions of which I am aware. Any additional info you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


    1. Hi, Philip
      I have a couple of issues if the Spanish language version. It's called Mundoloco. I don't know too much about the publication history but the ones I have are from the early 80s. I think there was another Spanish Cracked but I can't recall the name off the top of my head. I'll let you know if I find out more.

      My email address is displayed at the top of the blog if you want to contact me directly. Thanks.

  2. For the life of me, I can't find anywhere on the internet where I can buy this magazine. Does anyone know where you can buy it??
