Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Cracked Magazine #250

I scanned the front cover, back cover and the inside covers. A reader scanned the rest of the issue.


  1. Something laudable is going on here. You deserve a medal for preservation for these postings, truly. I'm getting caught up; I'm pausing, today, at April 2017 (started with oldest first). Even some Sick in there, too. Incredible. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I'm wondering, though, about the past posts that are parenthetically indicated as "placeholders" and have no images in them for the listed issue. Should I make note of them for checking back on to see if the indicated issue will be back-uploaded into the old post? Thanks again!!!

    1. Hey, thanks for reading the blog. Eventually I'll get all the issue up. I put up those placeholders because the particular scan had some problems that needed to be corrected. I'll get them up eventually. I wish there was a better way of notifying people of updates. For now, I'll just write any updates on the front page.

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    3. Okay. Thanks. I'll keep my eye...posted. Again, thank you so much for rescuing these from oblivion (re the anthrax attacks). John Severin is one of my (if not The One) favourite comic artists, with his sister Marie right there with him. Hadn't realized that she left the planet only this last August. Well, they had long, art-filled lives. Also, thanks for the Voodoo Child post as Sienkiewicz is another top-tenner for me. Hope you have a nice year, Langtathian!

    4. Cracked Magazine And Others: Cracked Magazine 250 >>>>> Download Now

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  3. I spent many a visit to the drug store holding a copy of Mad in one hand, and Cracked in the other, trying to make the Sophie's choice of which I could afford to buy. Cracked won many, many times, due to Mr. Severin's art, and other aspects. Thank you for preserving these gems for posterity.

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