Saturday, August 21, 2021

Cracked Magazine #63



  1. thanks for keeping up your schedule it probably feels like a chore are you going to do your list sequentially i am not complaining but you have been fairly random in the past if you want to fake randomness you could do one from the top of the list and one from the bottom and work your way to the middle

    1. I don't have to go in order; sometimes I take requests. If you have an issue you would like for me to upload just let me know.

      Sometimes I'll jump around depending on requests or if an issue seems pertinent to the moment.

      I wanted to start 3 issues a month this Summer but I got sick with you-know-what, so I had to postpone while I got better. I will try to start the 3 a month program shortly.

    2. I hope you feel better! I've really been enjoying how you have started posting the missing issues in chronological order.
